Operational Analytics
English, Filipino ∙ Self-paced (1 hr 15 mins)
About the Course
The process of using data analysis and business intelligence to improve efficiency and streamline day-to-day operations in real-time is known as operation analytics. This focuses on enhancing current operations and involves the use of a variety of data mining and data collection technologies to obtain more transparent data for business planning.
This is an introductory course that will teach you how to understand data and make better decisions with it. In addition, students will be taught statistical abilities and tools, as well as the value of operational analytics.
Course Objectives
- To introduced analytics in general
- To discuss how to transform raw data into an understandable form
- Be introduced to Business Analytics
- To discuss how to apply Operational Analytics to infrastructure, and industry
- Discuss how to make dashboards capable for non tech users
Course Outline
- What is Analytics?
- Digital Transformation
- Rise of Operational Analytics
- Goal of Operational Analytics
- Biggest Impact on Operationally intensive Industries
- The Shifting Requirements of Analytics
Target Participants
Anyone interested in learning how Operational Analytics works.
Certificate Requirements
- Completion of recorded webinar + quiz
- Pass the Operation Analytics QUIZ with 80% mark
- Comment your feedback to the main page of the course
Has good background and explain well the discussion especially for those people are willing to learn data science and manage those skill to Operational Analytics
Karina Mercado delves into operational analytics, offering a comprehensive overview. With seven years' experience spanning diverse industries, her insights are invaluable. From data extraction to knowledge acquisition, she navigates the analytics with highly skill, highlighting potential pitfalls and emphasizing clarity of goals.
The speaker, a former airline Strategy Analytics Manager turned Consultant, explores operational analytics, data preprocessing, and digital transformation. With a focus on making analytics accessible, the discussion addresses evolving tools and the impact on information workers. The presentation, relevant for both seasoned analysts and newcomers, offers insights into the changing analytics landscape.
Good speaker and informative topic.