Strengthen Your Mental Wellness
English, Filipino ∙ Self-paced (1 hr 14 mins)
About the Course
Mental wellness is defined by the World Health Organization as "a condition of well-being in which an individual recognizes his or her own abilities, can manage with typical life challenges, can work creatively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community.
This course will teach you how to cope with the stress caused by pandemics, work, and other factors. Its goal is to provide a few tips on how to improve your mental health.
Course Objective
- Understanding mental stress and how we effectively manage it.
- Learn practical and proven scientific strategies that we can apply immediately to strengthen our mental wellness.
- Adapting the PERMA model
Course Outline
- What is mental wellness
- Types of stress
- Some clear behavior signs we are being hook by stress
- How can we unhook?
- Negativity bias
- PERMA Model
Target Participants
Anyone who wants to strengthen their mental wellness.
Certificate Requirements
- Completion of recorded webinar + quiz
- Pass the 10 item multiple choice with 100% mark
- Comment your feedback to the main page of the course
The e-learning session on "Strengthening Your Mental Wellness" with Coach Ray Cruz provided valuable insights into understanding and managing stress. Coach Cruz introduced the IBCT technique (Identify, Breathe, Cognitive Reframe) to unhook from stress and strengthen mental wellness. Participants engaged in identifying their thoughts and feelings, laying the foundation for effective stress management.
Prioritizing mental wellness as a student is paramount. It involves self-care practices, stress management, and seeking support when needed. Strengthening mental health enhances focus, resilience, and overall well-being. As students, it's a foundational investment, fostering a healthy mindset crucial for academic success and long-term personal development.
Problems are just around the corner, and I believe all of us experience different struggles every day. Thus, it is very important to talk about mental wellness in order for us to refrain from getting hooked on those negative thoughts. I am grateful for this course because I learned some ways to deal with stressors, be they physical, emotional, social, or mental.
hi thank you
Great job!